Monday, August 25, 2008

2 days to go...

Can you say... eeek! I can't believe Wednesday is almost here. I'm spending the rest of today running around and then having a nice little dinner at Whineos (clearly the only venue choice I could have made). Packing has of course yet to start, no surprise there. Steph is being awesome and lending me her travel backpack from her days in South America, so I will be rocking that tomorrow. 

Last night we had family friends from Poland over and one of the guys had lived in Barcelona for about 4 years. Needless to say, he had more than one story to sure. I am know prepared with a list of all the "must-go-to-eat" places and some other fun tips, such as, if I ever crave a really good American-style burger and fries, I have to hit up the restaurant at the Marriot. I also have a handful of phone numbers of their friends from Barcelona, that officially have committed to being our "parents-but-a-lot-cooler-away-from-home-parents"- I'm literally quoting them. It will be nice to stop by for a home cooked meal once in a while though.

Also talked to one of my girlfriends from Germany (Christine) and she is being very wonderful and going to host for a bit and then heading over to Munich with her for Oktoberfest! The plane/train tickets are a bit pricey, but really... when am I going to be in Europe for a beer festival soon? Very excited...

My new camera just came in the other day, so look for more pics coming soon... Possibly even from the airport, you know it! Talking about the airport, Andy and I found out the other day that we are on the same flight together to Frankfurt! We're going different directions afterwards, but it will be a nice start to this crazy adventure...

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